Tuesday, 7 April 2015


2014 in a nutshell

1. Did my chambering from September 2013 - June 2014

2. Called to the Bar on 15-08-2014. 


I guess that is about it. 

Enuff about the law stuff and whatnot.

Life has been great as it is. Nothing much to talk about, but it is very nice to have a change every now and then and it is getting better everyday and I am super duper grateful for it. 

For every second of it and every minute of it. 

Friends come and go. 

and some do stay even in the darkest time. 

Family is always there for me when I needed them, and hopefully I'll be able to be with them too when they needed me. 

So. Thats it. 2014. 

Oh, yeah. One more thing. 

I am no longer unemployed. 

Hence the busyness every now and then.



What the hell ?! Emptiness for two freaking years and I am back at last. Lol.

So whats up my no readers. Bahahaha.

Decided to post something up now, since I am feeling a bit troubled. 

Okay. Nonsense. 

Sometimes you just feel like writing and...



The blog is here for me to write. 

Sooooo NO POST AT ALL FOR 2014. 

Therefore, let me sum up my whole 2014 for yaaaaa 

in the next post. Kihkihkih