Tuesday 25 April 2017



Just started. Nope 4 months have passed.

I am currently writing this while counting days to the end of my journey as a single lady.


Soooo since the last post ...

I have actually got engaged to my other half.

Still staying with my parents.

Back living in Ipoh.

Got myself a baby brother.

Got a pair of nieces.


Making some money from my sweat and tears.



Thursday 11 June 2015

Stealing is a crime

YEAP. Very true.

Stealing is a crime. 

People steals everyday, even when they don't know it.Some people knows but refuse to acknowledge it. Well I am one of those some people, if you know what I mean. 

I steal my bosses' time. How? When? 

Right now! Lol.

I know I should be doing my office work, it is not even 6pm yet. and I am typing this short post for no one. 

Cause today and every other day before I feel troubled. As usual. 

Today, something in the past was haunting me. And I did a little digging. So I feel down, cause I feel bad and shitty and what-not. 

But the truth is...

Things happened for a reason, be it good or bad. There is always something that you can learn from it. And I did learn   something   a lot of things from it, such as:

i. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. 
ii. There is always rainbows and butterflies after the rain, but sometimes the lightning and some small ulat came together with it as well.
iii. We don't always get what you want but you can always try to get it.
iv. You are beautiful no matter what everyone else think. 

andddddd etc. 

Tonnes of things that I learnt from the unfortunate event some good some bad, but we are all humans and we are not supposed to judge or to act or noble and belittled others. And we make mistakes, lots of em. And some people say sorry, some didn't but what the heck?! Nobody's perfect, right? 

Dear you, I forgave you for what you have done, for all the heartbreaks and the tears I shed from the incident. I am happy now, I am grateful with what I have, tho even I myself got it by hurting someone else, and I am truly sorry about that and hope that the person forgives me just like I forgave you. I wish you all the happy things in life and may we don't cross path again, wth? okay kidding. I leave it to the hand's of the All Mighty, Kun Fa Ya Kun. 


Tuesday 7 April 2015


2014 in a nutshell

1. Did my chambering from September 2013 - June 2014

2. Called to the Bar on 15-08-2014. 


I guess that is about it. 

Enuff about the law stuff and whatnot.

Life has been great as it is. Nothing much to talk about, but it is very nice to have a change every now and then and it is getting better everyday and I am super duper grateful for it. 

For every second of it and every minute of it. 

Friends come and go. 

and some do stay even in the darkest time. 

Family is always there for me when I needed them, and hopefully I'll be able to be with them too when they needed me. 

So. Thats it. 2014. 

Oh, yeah. One more thing. 

I am no longer unemployed. 

Hence the busyness every now and then.



What the hell ?! Emptiness for two freaking years and I am back at last. Lol.

So whats up my no readers. Bahahaha.

Decided to post something up now, since I am feeling a bit troubled. 

Okay. Nonsense. 

Sometimes you just feel like writing and...



The blog is here for me to write. 

Sooooo NO POST AT ALL FOR 2014. 

Therefore, let me sum up my whole 2014 for yaaaaa 

in the next post. Kihkihkih

Thursday 1 August 2013

Ramadhan Kareem

Life has not been easy. 

Nor, empty. 

It was full with things to do. NON STOP. 
Everyday is a new day, so everyday means new chores. 


But nevertheless, 


Ramadhan came again ! Alhamdulillah. I am still breathing here to meet Ramadhan. A month full of barakah. :) 

I hoped everyone did enjoy their Ramadhan. and soon we will meet Syawal. InsyaAllah. 

Friday 19 April 2013


My other half. After almost a year and 6 months, soon. 

Meet Zakhwan aka Jack Johar. 

Thursday 17 January 2013

The unspoken words

Hello. Exam is finally over ! So I am now, OFFICIALLY unemployed and rockin' it ! 


I am currently in HOLIDAY MODE! Haven't even start looking for any job or any chambering firm. Before I enslave myself to my master, let me first be the master of myself. 



The unspoken word.

Unspoken - not uttered or expressed 

Word - the single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others. 

Lately, there is so so so many unspoken words. That I had to keep it to myself, for the sake of everyone around me. So hard, but still bearable. I am staying strong and tough for the world to see.

But anyhowwww

To hell with unspoken words. My uni life is over. I will try to cherish every moment left now. 


